Email :, Facebook : computerguestfaculty, Orkut : computerguestfaculty

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Summary updates....

Dear Friends,
I am online today again but with very little time. Maintain silence in public till your stay is in your hands.
  • The collect papers from us. Collect fee and signatures at earliest. Return, so that same could be forwarded to the advocate.
  • I am talking to the advocate about the fees. Trying to settle for something lesser. 
  • As of now, fee per candidate stands at Rs. 2200. If later amount is decreased, your given money will be put in expense fund to be used for court visits or other un foreseen expenses.
  • We have attached written instructions with papers so that there is no chance of error. Even then if there is some confusion, make sure to call mobile number on the papers itself. You will be adequately guided.
  • Elect a main petitioner and a money banker from amongst your self. Banker will keep money and confirm total amount till time of fund transfer.
  • Send in your performas. Names should accompany full payment of fee to the banker.
  • Keep in touch. Its very inportant.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Adovate Meeting,Fee and Details

Dear friends, I may not be able to update very frequently due to a death in the family. Please keep in touch from your side.
The meeting details will be uploaded when i can. In short :
  • Discussed everything. Outcome fairly positive. Decided to go ahead with stay and pay related plea.
  • Papers are with us. We need signature from all members and one main petitioner from every college.
  • Written letters from every members stating all duties they perform , paid or un-paid. nature of exploitation that you have to undergo.
  • Furthermore a format : Name, FatherName,College,Qualification, Salary, Working Since when?, Address, Contact no. and email. Send to The performa  should be in MS-Excel.
  • Fee is fixed at 2000 per person (including all expenses), but need to collect 200 Rs. more since there might be sundry expenses(like courier charges stated below) which we cannot fore-judge. Collection should be deposited with one representative of your college till we decide how it is to be advanced to the advocate.Signature on papers only after you recive the amount 2200 Rs. first.
  • Contact us on email and we will try to mail the papers or courier to you. then you can send us back.
  • After papers are signed, the case will take 4 to 6 days and a stay will be in our hands.
  • All money details will be uploaded to maintain complete transparency. From now on it is your responsibility to stay in touch. 
  • Last date to hand over papers is 16th. No papers without fee an letter mentioned above.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Positive but cautious also

Govt has issued instructions for filling up of approximately 800 posts of college lecturers on contractual basis.

  • It is all the more a must that we come under the blanket security of a stay so that we are not replaced and  our experience in Govt. Colleges is not ignored for new candidates.
  • Furthermore we must demand inclusion of our expirience. Many members of computer faculty are already overage working in the colleges from 3 to 5 years.There time and effort working in the govt. college should not be ignored.

Going to Chandigarh Tommorow(8/01/2011)

Dear friends, leaving for Chandigarh tomorow. Meeting scheduled at 11:00 A.M. Anyone is wecome to join us at Chandigarh if so desired to interact with advocate one to one. Feel free to contact on phone if required or to give your suggestions. Next steps will be
  1. Paying part fee to the lawyer and munshi in advance for paperwork.
  2. Filing of case
  3. Paying the remaining amount.
Total fee is yet to be decided with the lawyer. We wont have much time to collect it.
Please prepare yourself for payment at two days notice.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Important paper work for court case

Please note that date will advocate will be fixed (tentatively Saturday,8th, Jan 2011).
Following data is urgently needed.
All colleges, please complete the list of your faculty in the following format and email

email :

Format : College Name, Faculty Name, Qualification, Work Experience in Govt College, email id , Mob. no.

The data will be used to file court case and forwarded to lawyer for paper work.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Awaiting Hoshiarpur and others...

Gurdaspur contact, Ludhiana meeting and College List

By the grace of All Mighty its all good news:
  • A faculty member from Gurdaspur contacted on Jan 02, 2011. They are also very much interested to be a part of our group and confirmed their continous commitment. Please try to contact as many colleges as possible. 
  • There was a successful meeting of P.T.A and P.T.A(SF) staff in Ludhiana. Everyone was updated about developments at Amritsar and allied colleges and meetings held till now. The computer faculty gave a "go ahead" to the direction we are persuing. Very soon newer contacts will emerge from the colleges not associated with us till now.
  •  I am going to create a list of college already attached with us. It is everyones duty to try and get more colleges into our group.

100 visitors already...Bravo

Congratulations friends, your blog is getting attention we urgently need.