I am online today again but with very little time. Maintain silence in public till your stay is in your hands.
- The collect papers from us. Collect fee and signatures at earliest. Return, so that same could be forwarded to the advocate.
- I am talking to the advocate about the fees. Trying to settle for something lesser.
- As of now, fee per candidate stands at Rs. 2200. If later amount is decreased, your given money will be put in expense fund to be used for court visits or other un foreseen expenses.
- We have attached written instructions with papers so that there is no chance of error. Even then if there is some confusion, make sure to call mobile number on the papers itself. You will be adequately guided.
- Elect a main petitioner and a money banker from amongst your self. Banker will keep money and confirm total amount till time of fund transfer.
- Send in your performas. Names should accompany full payment of fee to the banker.
- Keep in touch. Its very inportant.