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Monday, October 31, 2011

Proposal : Change Of Use For Expenses Fund

Dear Friends,

A suggestion has come up from some Ludhiana petitioners. Please reply in comments section of this post in 5 days with your views. With no objections, proposal will be adopted.

The suggestion is as follows
  • Use of expense fund be changed from "only court related travels" to "all travels undertaken for the benifit of cause of computer guest faculty"
  • Transfer of fund from Mr.Harmaneet Singhs account to Ms.Maninder's account from Govt. College For Women, Ludhiana for purpose of fund management.
I invite all contributors of this fund to raise any objections or air views to this effect.
  • It is best to post objections/views as comments under this post. So that everyone should read it openly.
  • Views may also be sent to
As a member myself, i have thought on the matter and came up with some points that I leave for your consideration
  1. Who will take final decision about withdrawal of amount from account?
  2. If I decide to take a travel initiative towards the common cause who will decide if spending is justifiable or not?
  3. What is amount is right? Can I get AC train expense? or Bus only? Or Taxi?
  4. Whats maximum number of travelers that our ComputerGuestFaculty can fund? If supposing 12 people decide to go from a college, thinking of "common good", then how many shall be paid?
  5. Expense account is small. Nothing in comparison to high cost of today. It will not last very long. What/How will me manage after that?
  6. I have no reason to choose either Mr.Harmaneet Singh or Ms.Maninder, one over the other. If change should be made , it has to be for reason.
As helping points towards discussion of  this proposal, you all can refer to a letter already posted on blog dated : MARCH 16, 2011, Title : Dear All 28 Petitioners